Organization name
Family Network
other names
The Diaper Collective of Northwest Arkansas
Tax id (EIN)
614 E EMMA AVE Suite 201SPRINGDALE, AR 72764
Do you know what it is like to feel alone after having a baby?
Imagine a compassionate professional coming to your home as a new parent to provide opportunities to bond with your baby, meet basic needs, and feel supported.
Giving families in need the help that they deserve from the very beginning allows them to make positive changes that will continue for generations.
Give on NWA Gives, April 4th, to move 12 families off our waitlist so they can have the tools they need to thrive!
What will your gift do exactly? Here's an idea:
$85: provides 1 postpartum visit to a newly enrolled new teen parent.
$150: provides a newly enrolled family 3 development screens for their baby
$700: provides 12 newly enrolled families transportation to their prenatal doctor visits to ensure baby’s health.
$1,500: provides resources such as car seats, breast pump, diapers, and more to 12 newly enrolled families.
Organization name
Family Network
other names
The Diaper Collective of Northwest Arkansas
Tax id (EIN)
614 E EMMA AVE Suite 201